Best Root Canal Treatment center in Chandigarh


Best Root Canal Treatment In Chandigarh

Search for Best Root Canal Treatment comes to end with Deep Dental Clinic. Root Canal Treatment is  also called  RCT. RCT is one of the popular ways to cure infected teeth with out pain. The main reason of the Root canal treatment is to clear the damaged pulp from the tooth and make your teeth infection free. Root canal treatment is best for most of the patients. This treatment has more than 98% of success rate and the best part is that the treatment is painless.

Most of the people think that RCT is a painful treatment but latest technologies and equipment make it very simple and painless. Root canal allows patients to get rid of the part of infected tooth without removal of complete tooth. 

Who Need This Treatment ?

If you have throbbing or intermittent pain in the tooth.

Radiating pain travelling from the tooth to the jaw.

If you who complain of sensations while consuming hot or cold foods or drinks.

If you who have swelling around gums of particular teeth then you  are the indicated candidates for RCT & advised to undergo Root Canal Treatment.

Why Root Canal Treatment Required ?

Root canal treatment is very beneficial  in the cases when the infection occurred has spread to the deeper levels of a tooth. Degeneration of the pulp take place once it attracts infection to it. RCT is most commonly advised immediately in case of the formation of abscess where the pus-pocket gets created at the end of the roots of the tooth. If it is not treated on time with Root canal treatment, then it can cause severe effects on the health of the jawbone of the patients.

Treatment Procedure

Root canal treatment take in certain steps which are performed by experienced n qualified dentist. In the primary step of Root canal treatment, the dentist creates a drill in the tooth, to reach the infected pulp. Then, the infected pulp is cleared from the tooth. In the second step, the dentist disinfects the root canal with saline and other medicinal solutions. This is followed by sealing of the root canals with biocompatible filling materials. This material prevents the occurrence of a similar infection soon. Once the filling material is placed, the crown is also placed and fixed over the tooth. The dental filling and crown help in protecting the tooth from any fractures.


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