Oral Habits In Children
Oral habits in children
A habit is a frequent or constant repetition or acquired tendency which has been fixed by frequent repetition.
Is the habit of thumb sucking normal?
New born babies normally have the habit of thumb sucking, if this habit continues for a long time it may cause severe damage to oro facial structure. Prolonged thumb-sucking may cause the teeth to become improperly aligned (malocclusion) or push the teeth outward. This usually corrects itself when the child stops thumb-sucking. But the longer thumb-sucking continues, the more likely it is that orthodontic treatment will be needed.
What are the other oral habits in children that are abnormal?
Like the thumb sucking habit there are various abnormal oral habits in children, which are as follows.
Tongue thrusting:- Tongue thrust is the forward movement of the tongue tip between the teeth to meet the lower lip during swallowing or speech, so that the tongue lies interdental.
Mouth breathing: It is the type of breathing pattern which influences the posture of jaws, tongue and lesser extent to the head. Thus mouth breathing leads to altered jaw and tongue position and malocclusion. It can also lead to complete or partial obstruction of nasal passage like deviated septum nasal polyps.
Lip biting: It is the habit that involves wetting of lips with the tongue or pulling the lips into the mouth. Cheek biting: This is an abnormal habit of keeping or biting the cheek muscle in between the upper and lower teeth.
Nail biting: Biting of nail is due to internal tension, it is a child’s response to a specific situation while coping with the minor stress.
Why do children suck on things? Or what are the main causes of these habits?
Sucking is one of the baby’s natural reflexes, in fact babies begin to suck their finger or thumb even before they are born . Thumb sucking may be due to insecurity, due to improper feeding practice, stress, breathing problem, incorrect swallowing anxiety, due to physical or pathological problem in child.
How would these habit affect my child?
Prolonged thumb sucking causes callus on the thumb. O habits like tongue thrusting results into an abnormal appearance in facial structure, forward placement of upper front tee o crowding in lower teeth, increase in spacing between upper and lower teeth, narrowing of upper arch, improper positioning of teeth.
How can I help my child to break these abnormal habits ?
Most children stop on their own between the age of 2 to years. Excessive pressure from parents can do more harm than good. Instead of scolding your child for sucking, offer praise not sucking. Remember that children often suck their thumb when they feel insecure or seeking comfort. Focus on correction the cause of the anxiety and comfort your child. Reward your child when he or she avoids sucking during difficult period such as being separated from you. To prevent damage to t erupting teeth, apply a distasteful liquid on child’s thumb apply barrier method, especially at night. Your child’s dent can counsel them to stop sucking and explain the benefits eliminating the habit.
What is the line of treatment available with the dentist to break these habits?
A dentist first counsels the parents and then child for breaking these habits. If these habits continue, use of mouth appliance is recommended for certain period of course. The tongue bead appliance is designed to position the acrylic bead over the posterior one-third of the tongue in alignment of the teeth. If facial profile is asymmetrical, orthodontic braces can be advised, as per the patient’s oral structure. Habit breaking appliance can be either of fixed or removable type. According to the age of the child a habit breaking appliance is suggested.Deep Dental Clinic & OPG Center
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